Christina Gonzalez (christina_dg) wrote,
Christina Gonzalez


Thank you to everyone who participated in my paperback giveaway.  You will all be receiving your signed, paperback copies of The Red Umbrella very soon!  The schools each of you mentioned will also be receiving signed, library-binding, hardcover editions of The Red Umbrella (I'll probably send them out in January -- since most schools will be going on break very soon).  For those of you who didn't enter or you're just late to the party... The paperback officially goes on sale this TUESDAY!  Personally, I think it makes a wonderful stocking stuffer... but I may be slightly biased.  :-)

Here are the lucky schools that were chosen by the winners:

Gravelly Hill Middle School - Efland, NC
Brentano Math & Sciece Academy - Chicago, IL
Belen Jesuit Prepatory School - Miami, FL
Sabine Pass ISD - Sabine Pass, TX
Westminster Christian School - Palmetto Bay, FL
Carlisle Public School - Carlisle, MA
McGlannan School - Miami, FL
Taylor County Middle School - Perry, FL
Blessed Pope John XXIII Academy - W. Orange, NJ
Lake Mary Prep - Lake Mary, FL
Ransom Everglades School - Coconut Grove, FL
Washington Irving Middle School - Springfield, VA
Hunt Valley Elementary - Springfield, VA
Bartonville Grade School - Bartonville, IL
Jefferson County Middle School - Still waiting for full address
Tags: paperback giveaway

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